“Remote host closed connection during handshake” opening an HTTPS page with HTMLUnit

While trying to fetch the HTTPS page using HTML Unit 2.23 under Java 7, Ubuntu Linux, I received the following exception: Remote host closed connection during handshake

The code was the following

  The problem was solved upgrading to Java 8. I upgraded to Java 8 after reading Oracle’s blog about HTTPS … Continue reading “ “Remote host closed connection during handshake” opening an HTTPS page with HTMLUnit”

Hibernate/c3p0: apparent deadlock

The apparent deadlock message issued by c3p0, a connection pool manager of Hibernate, can sometimes be misleading. Most of the times, it is caused by connection errors. So, check your firewall, and, for Postgresql  try the following command from the command line

If this works, you should have no problem connecting to Postgresql. The … Continue reading “Hibernate/c3p0: apparent deadlock”