How to display excerpts in the categories of the WordPress Twenty Sixteen theme

How to display excerpts instead of full posts in the category pages (archives) of the WordPress Twenty Sixteen theme? Find the archive.php file Open the WordPress dashboard, then go to Appearance -> Editor, select the archive.php file on the right. Click to open the archive.php file Edit the file to show the excerpts Find the following … Continue reading “How to display excerpts in the categories of the WordPress Twenty Sixteen theme”

How to generate a sitemap for a static WordPress site

I’m using WordPress with the Simply Static plugin to generate the static version of my site and the Yoast plugin to generate the sitemap, a map of the site. Simply Static doesn’t fetch the sitemap from the site, so you don’t have one to upload to the Google search console. But I solved this problem. … Continue reading “How to generate a sitemap for a static WordPress site”

Improve your PageSpeed score for a WordPress site by minifying CSS and Javascript

I improved my Google PageSpeed score for the mobile and desktop version of my static WordPress site by ten points by minimizing the CSS (cascading style sheet) and JS (javascript) files. I did this by installing the Fast Velocity Minify plugin, which minifies CSS and Javascript out of the box. With it you can also  … Continue reading “Improve your PageSpeed score for a WordPress site by minifying CSS and Javascript”

My WordPress plugins

These are some of the WordPress plugins I’m using. Fast Velocity Minify: minimizes css and js and can inline css code into html to avoid above the fold warning by Google Pagespeed – works with Simply static! Simply static – generates a static version of the site AddToAny Share Buttons: social share buttons Advanced Menu … Continue reading “My WordPress plugins”

How to add comments or Disqus to WordPress pages

To add Disqus comments to WordPress pages, you just have to open comments on the pages you want. Doing so, you can selectively add Disqus comments to your wordpress pages! Just a click. When you install the WordPress Disqus Commenting System plugin, Disqus comments are added to posts, but not to pages because comments are … Continue reading “How to add comments or Disqus to WordPress pages”

Come creare un sito WordPress statico

Come creare un sito WordPress statico? È facile, bisogna usare WordPress e un plugin gratuito , Simply Static. Questa guida assume che sia stato installato WordPress e che si sappia come installare plugin. Simply Static è un plugin che legge tutte le pagine di un sito WordPress e le salva su disco rendendole statiche. Statiche … Continue reading “Come creare un sito WordPress statico”